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AW - Global Elite Immortals Battalion [GIB]


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What is [GIB]?

    Global Elite Immortals Battalion [GIB] is an international battalion.We are not a member of battalion just for tag.We have members play PvE, PvP and Global Operations(Global Ops) , we are open to everything. We also participate in tournaments (will also do upcoming Lord of War(LoW) mode), do regular training, battalion events and more.We don't care about your stats, as long as you are a team player. Our focus is on working together towards common goal.
ballot_box_with_check  Requirements :

EU Server
No age restrictions. 
Looking for smart and active players , We are looking for highly skilled players capable of working in a team, who are willing and capable of giving their best for the battalion. We are looking for players who want to win, and will do their best to achieve it, players who will actively pursue winning over their individual gain.
No requirement for special Tanks, you can be a specialist in any model or type.

The only Rule is : Diversity in counsel & unity in command.
ballot_box_with_check  Our usual playing schedule:
19:00 CET - 24:00 CET

ballot_box_with_check  We prefer :
* Global Operations
* Tournament
      - PVE
      - PVP

ballot_box_with_check  1 Day a Week
* Custom Match : for training


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před 8 minutami, Aorus_AIR napsal:

Ty vole co to je? V životě sem o Vás neslyšel a už se prohlašujete za globální elitu mezi hráči? No mě praskne asi ***** :D No asi máme novou konkurenci :D

To je přece dobře ne? Jak se říká, aby jste neusnuli na vavřínech :thumbsup:

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před 3 hodinami, Aorus_AIR napsal:

Ty vole co to je? V životě sem o Vás neslyšel a už se prohlašujete za globální elitu mezi hráči? No mě praskne asi ***** :D No asi máme novou konkurenci :D

To musíš taky hrát Global, já tě tam taky viděl tak 3x. Náš klan hraje dnes a denně, stačí otevřít oči :)


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