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RUST - Problém s pluginy


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Do názvu serveru dát PvE (aby i lidé "zvenku" věděli, že jde o PvE)


Oxide (který umožňuje jednotlivé pluginy) http://oxidemod.org/downloads/oxide-for-rust.1659/
A za mě 
1) ZLevels http://oxidemod.org/plugins/zlevels-remastered.1453/ 
2) No Decay http://oxidemod.org/plugins/nodecay.1160/
3) Stack Size Controller http://oxidemod.org/plugins/stack-size-controller.2320/
4) R - Removal Tool http://oxidemod.org/plugins/r-remover-tool.651/
... a pro větší komfort hraní lze přidat
- Auto Doors http://oxidemod.org/plugins/autodoors.1924/
- Night Lantern http://oxidemod.org/plugins/nightlantern.1182/ + No Fuel Requirements http://oxidemod.org/plugins/no-fuel-requirements.1179/

- Quick Smelt for Rust http://oxidemod.org/plugins/quicksmelt.1067/ - tady hlavně pečení masa v peci, s rychlostí se hýbat nemusí (ale může)...


Add ZLevels: - Levely pro:


- těžba dřeva

- těžba hornin

- sběr surovin


Třeba mě někdo ještě doplní (a nebo nastíní jinou představu)...


Edit: Ještě mě napadá vlastní recyklátor - Recycle for Rust http://oxidemod.org/plugins/recycle.1296/ , ale nevím jestli už to není moc velké zjednodušení....

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Takze, test asi dopadl dobre jak ctu, ted tedy napiste co tam nasadit za mody. Prosim napsat


1) neco

2) neco

3) neco




Tak test server jel dobre nepadal jen sem tam to hodilo maly lag(ale to spise pripisuju HW dela to i jinde) Ale je nutno rici ze nas tam nebylo 20z20 ale myslim ze max kolem 5.

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K těm pluginum, nevím jak se jmenuje, ale když dávám surky do pece, tak mi je to poměrově rozhodí do okýnek a nechá 2 volné ( na hotový produkt a na uhlí). Je to celkem pomocník.

Jinak souhlasím s tím co uvedl  aarongoldstein.


A ještě jeden dotaz, jak se nahodí pluginy pojede se od nuly, anebo už zůstane to co je nyní?

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Jo a ještě ikonka vrtulníku a hodiny, tp by se taky hodilo




K těm pluginum, nevím jak se jmenuje, ale když dávám surky do pece, tak mi je to poměrově rozhodí do okýnek a nechá 2 volné ( na hotový produkt a na uhlí). Je to celkem pomocník.

A co když dám do pece tři druhy surovin??? (ruda, síra, HQM)


A ještě jeden dotaz, jak se nahodí pluginy pojede se od nuly, anebo už zůstane to co je nyní?

Předpokládám, že bude wipe...

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A co když dám do pece tři druhy surovin??? (ruda, síra, HQM)



Ten mod jde přímo ve hře aktivovat/deaktivovat. Default je vypnutý. Mě by s také líbil.

Používá se na RustPVEUK. Seznam modů mají tady: http://unicorngaming.org/forums/about/what-is-rustpveuk-all-about/


Ale kurňa, ani jeden z nich mě nepřijde, že je ten co myslíme.


K Aronovu seznamu:

5) To rozhazování co psal Slimak

6) Teleport, tři mě vždy stačí

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K Aronovu seznamu:

5) To rozhazování co psal Slimak

6) Teleport, tři mě vždy stačí


5)  Furnace Splitter for Rust http://oxidemod.org/plugins/furnace-splitter.2406/ (za mě ale aby šel zapnout až ve hře - defaultně vypnutý)


6) N Teleportation http://oxidemod.org/plugins/n-teleportation.1832/

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Hernajs, chlapi, neblbněte, dyk to pak nebude zábava... Stačil by mi Removal Tool a pokud je nějaký mod k zabránění stavění, tak ten by byl OK. Ale třeba teleporty jsou už docela dost mimo, ne?


Já na tom netrvám, jen tedy shrnu priority za mě:

  1. Building blocker http://oxidemod.org/...g-blocker.2456/ (odstraňuje možnost stavět v "privilage building zone" (vytvořené "bednou")
  2. ZLevels http://oxidemod.org/...emastered.1453/
  3. Stack Size Controller http://oxidemod.org/...ontroller.2320/
  4. R - Removal Tool http://oxidemod.org/...mover-tool.651/
  5. Furnace Splitter for Rust http://oxidemod.org/...-splitter.2406/ (defaultně vypnutý)

Jestli se to nevybere, tak to přežju, ale to rozhazování po peci mě fakt neba  :-)

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Tři suroviny  - tři pece a v každé rozhodit :-)

Nebudu stavět tři velké pece... Tak velký barák není mojí ambicí... :-D


Já na tom netrvám, jen tedy shrnu priority za mě:

Jestli se to nevybere, tak to přežju, ale to rozhazování po peci mě fakt neba   :-)


Pro mě je priorita č. 1 No Decay http://oxidemod.org/...s/nodecay.1160/ (vypnutí degradace stavebních prvků, beden a pecí)... Protože když se na serveru týden neobjevím a mám z baráku půlku (pokud vůbec něco) tak je to pro mě extrémně frustující... A ne vždy mám čas (a chuť) lést na server každý den, aby se mi nerozpadl barák....

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Tak na serveru bezi Oxide  

Pluginy ktere tam jsou:



Zatim jsou defaultne nastavene.  Zadna uprava.  Stazeno nakopirovano bez uprav.


Dale je zprovoznena mapa




Berte navedomi, ze je vse  zatim v testovacim rezimu, takze kdyz o neco prijdete nebo se neco stane, nejde vratit, neni totiz nastaveno zalohovani atd. Muze take dochazet k LAGum a vypadku spojeni.

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Ten Stack controler je potřeba nastavit... Takhle tam možná je ale stackuje se to pořád v původních množstvích.... A nebo nefunguje....


chtělo by to použít příkaz /stackall ale to musí admin...


Stejně tak Recyklátor je potřeba nastavit aby ho mohli použít všichni - Takhle to píše, že nemám k tomu oprávnění....


Jdu zkoušet dál.....

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Ten Stack controler je potřeba nastavit... Takhle tam možná je ale stackuje se to pořád v původních množstvích.... A nebo nefunguje....


Jak jsem psal je to tam defaultne, nakopirovane a nastavene aby se to spustilo.


Je potreba nastudovat a pak upravit config. 

Nekdo by mohl nastudovat a pak by jen napsal co nastavit.

Mohli by jsme udelat ze by si nekdo nastudoval jieden dva tri pluginy a tim by to pro me bylo jednodusi nastavit. Nez vsechny pluginy studovat a pak upravit.

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09:28 [info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3307...

09:28 [info] Loading extensions...
09:28 [info] Downloading CSharpCompiler.x86_x64 for .cs (C#) plugin compilation
09:28 [info] Download of CSharpCompiler.x86_x64 for completed successfully
09:28 [info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded extension Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
09:28 [info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
09:28 [info] Loading plugins...
09:28 [info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:28 [info] Loaded plugin Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
09:32 [info] Updating Rust:IO ...
9:32 AM [info] Rust:IO: Update complete
09:32 [info] Installing Rust:IO ...
09:32 [info] Rust:IO> Setting up Rust:IO 2.3.6316.33144 ...
09:32 [info] Rust:IO> Creating directories ...
09:32 [info] Rust:IO> Applying config ...
09:32 [info] Rust:IO> Initializing database ...
09:32 [info] Rust:IO> Generating map image (this may take a while) ...
09:34 [info] Rust:IO> Generation complete
--------- Summary --------
Render       :  129994.517ms
Postprocess  :  1903.053ms
  Shadows    :   142.838ms
  FXAA       :  1717.017ms
Encoding     :   105.160ms
Other        :    27.482ms
Total        :  132030.211ms
09:34 [info] Rust:IO> Starting HTTP server on ...
09:34 [info] Rust:IO> Installed.
09:34 [info] Rust:IO> Now ticking
09:34 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took 132353ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
09:34 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took average 0ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
09:34 [info] Rust:IO> External IP address obtained from lookup:
09:40 [info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3307...
09:40 [info] Loading extensions...
09:40 [info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:40 [info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:40 [info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:40 [info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:40 [info] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:40 [info] Loaded extension Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
09:40 [info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
09:40 [info] Loading plugins...
09:40 [info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:40 [info] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
09:41 [info] Loaded plugin Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
11:01 [info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3307...
11:01 [info] Loading extensions...
11:01 [info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded extension Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
11:01 [info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
11:01 [info] Loading plugins...
11:01 [info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:01 [info] Loaded plugin Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
11:05 [info] Updating Rust:IO ...
11:05 AM [info] Rust:IO: Update complete
11:05 [info] Installing Rust:IO ...
11:05 [info] Rust:IO> Setting up Rust:IO 2.3.6316.33144 ...
11:05 [info] Rust:IO> Creating directories ...
11:05 [info] Rust:IO> Applying config ...
11:05 [info] Rust:IO> Initializing database ...
11:05 [info] Rust:IO> Generating map image (this may take a while) ...
11:07 [info] Rust:IO> Generation complete
--------- Summary --------
Render       :  129366.309ms
Postprocess  :  2222.981ms
  Shadows    :   163.533ms
  FXAA       :  2016.181ms
Encoding     :   105.184ms
Other        :    26.156ms
Total        :  131720.630ms
11:07 [info] Rust:IO> Starting HTTP server on ...
11:07 [info] Rust:IO> Installed.
11:07 [info] Rust:IO> Now ticking
11:07 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took 132063ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
11:07 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took average 0ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
11:07 [info] Rust:IO> External IP address obtained from lookup:
11:15 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took 281ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
11:24 [info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3307...
11:24 [info] Loading extensions...
11:24 [info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded extension Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
11:24 [info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
11:24 [info] Loading plugins...
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
11:24 [info] AutoDoors, BuildingBlocker, FurnaceSplitter, InfoPanel, NTeleportation, NightLantern, NoDecay, NoFuelRequirements, QuickSmelt, Recycle, RemoverTool, StackSizeController and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 3047ms
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin AutoDoors v3.1.2 by Wulf/lukespragg
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin BuildingBlocker v2.1.5 by Vlad-00003
11:24 [Warning] [buildingBlocker] New configuration file created.
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin Furnace Splitter v2.0.1 by Skipcast
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin InfoPanel v0.9.5 by Ghosst / Nogrod
11:24 [Warning] [infoPanel] Default configuration file created.
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.21 by Nogrod
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin NightLantern v2.0.8 by k1lly0u
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin NoDecay v1.0.13 by Deicide666ra/Piarb
11:24 [info] [NoDecay] New configuration file created.
11:24 [info] [NoDecay] Configuration file updated.
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin NoFuelRequirements v1.3.4 by k1lly0u
11:24 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'NightLantern v2.0.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
11:24 [stacktrace]   at Oxide.Plugins.NightLantern.OnPluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.NightLantern.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v3.0.2 by Wulf/Fujikura
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin Recycle v2.0.7 by Calytic
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin RemoverTool v4.1.8 by Reneb
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.4 by Canopy Sheep
11:24 [Warning] [stack Size Controller] Creating a new configuration file.
11:24 [info] Loaded plugin ZLevelsRemastered v2.5.8 by Fujikura/Visagalis
11:28 [info] Updating Rust:IO ...
11:28 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'InfoPanel v0.9.5' took 405ms
11:28 AM [info] Rust:IO: Update complete
11:28 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'QuickSmelt v3.0.2' took 302ms
11:28 [Warning] [stack Size Controller] Updating configuration file with new values.
11:28 [info] Installing Rust:IO ...
11:28 [info] Rust:IO> Setting up Rust:IO 2.3.6316.33144 ...
11:28 [info] Rust:IO> Creating directories ...
11:28 [info] Rust:IO> Applying config ...
11:28 [info] Rust:IO> Initializing database ...
11:28 [info] Rust:IO> Generating map image (this may take a while) ...
11:30 [info] Rust:IO> Generation complete
--------- Summary --------
Render       :  130512.163ms
Postprocess  :  2128.423ms
  Shadows    :   173.391ms
  FXAA       :  1912.069ms
Encoding     :   106.218ms
Other        :    16.320ms
Total        :  132763.124ms
11:30 [info] Rust:IO> Starting HTTP server on ...
11:30 [info] Rust:IO> Installed.
11:30 [info] Rust:IO> Now ticking
11:30 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took 133161ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
11:30 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took average 0ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
11:30 [info] Rust:IO> External IP address obtained from lookup:
13:28 [info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3307...
13:28 [info] Loading extensions...
13:28 [info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded extension Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
13:28 [info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
13:28 [info] Loading plugins...
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3307 by Oxide Team
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Rust:IO for Oxide v2.13.0 by playrust.io / dcode
13:28 [info] AutoDoors, BetterLoot, BuildingBlocker, EasyAirdrop, Economics, FancyDrop, FurnaceSplitter, GUIAnnouncements, InfoPanel, NTeleportation, NightLantern, NoDecay, NoFuelRequirements, QuickSmelt, Recycle, RemoverTool, StackSizeController, VendingManager and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 3403ms
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin AutoDoors v3.1.2 by Wulf/lukespragg
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin BetterLoot v2.13.1 by Fujikura/dcode
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin BuildingBlocker v2.1.5 by Vlad-00003
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Easy Airdrop v3.2.5 by LaserHydra
13:28 [info] [Easy Airdrop] Generating new config file...
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Economics v2.0.5 by Nogrod
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin FancyDrop v2.6.20 by Fujikura
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Furnace Splitter v2.0.1 by Skipcast
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.23.81 by JoeSheep
13:28 [Warning] [GUIAnnouncements] A new configuration file has been created.
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin InfoPanel v0.9.5 by Ghosst / Nogrod
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.21 by Nogrod
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin NightLantern v2.0.8 by k1lly0u
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin NoDecay v1.0.13 by Deicide666ra/Piarb
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin NoFuelRequirements v1.3.4 by k1lly0u
13:28 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'NightLantern v2.0.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
13:28 [stacktrace]   at Oxide.Plugins.NightLantern.OnPluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.NightLantern.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v3.0.2 by Wulf/Fujikura
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Recycle v2.0.7 by Calytic
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin RemoverTool v4.1.8 by Reneb
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.4 by Canopy Sheep
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin VendingManager v0.1.8 by ignignokt84
13:28 [info] Loaded plugin ZLevelsRemastered v2.5.8 by Fujikura/Visagalis
13:32 [info] Updating Rust:IO ...
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] No Blacklist found, creating new file...
1:32 PM [info] Rust:IO: Update complete
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] HeliCrate > table not found, option disabled by 'includeHeliCrate' > Creating a new file.
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] SupplyDrop > table not found, option disabled by 'includeSupplyDrop' > Creating a new file.
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] Updating internals ...
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] There are 36 items in the global Barrels LootTable.
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] There are 36 items in the global Crates LootTable.
13:32 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'BetterLoot v2.13.1' took 950ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
13:32 [info] [FancyDrop] Map Highest Point: (500m) | Plane flying height: (~500m)
13:32 [info] [FancyDrop] Timed Airdrop activated with '2' players between '30' and '50' minutes
13:32 [info] [FancyDrop] Builtin Airdrop removed
13:32 [info] [FancyDrop] Next timed Airdrop in 43 minutes
13:32 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'FancyDrop v2.6.20' took 220ms
13:32 [info] [GUIAnnouncements] Configuration file has been updated.
13:32 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'InfoPanel v0.9.5' took 373ms
13:32 [info] [FancyDrop] Custom loot table loaded with '43' items
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] Exported 329 items to 'NamesList'
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] No stacked LootContainer found.
13:32 [info] [betterLoot] Internals have been updated. Populated '562' supported containers.
13:32 [info] Installing Rust:IO ...
13:32 [info] Rust:IO> Setting up Rust:IO 2.3.6316.33144 ...
13:32 [info] Rust:IO> Creating directories ...
13:32 [info] Rust:IO> Applying config ...
13:32 [info] Rust:IO> Initializing database ...
13:32 [info] Rust:IO> Generating map image (this may take a while) ...
13:34 [info] Rust:IO> Generation complete
--------- Summary --------
Render       :  131737.777ms
Postprocess  :  1977.037ms
  Shadows    :   183.975ms
  FXAA       :  1749.137ms
Encoding     :   105.653ms
Other        :    26.135ms
Total        :  133846.602ms
13:34 [info] Rust:IO> Starting HTTP server on ...
13:34 [info] Rust:IO> Installed.
13:34 [info] Rust:IO> Now ticking
13:34 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took 134320ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
13:34 [Warning] Calling 'OnTick' on 'RustIO v2.13.0' took average 15ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
13:34 [info] Rust:IO> External IP address obtained from lookup:
14:15 [info] [FancyDrop] Timed Airdrop incoming at: (145.0, 0.0, 1328.1)
14:15 [info] [FancyDrop] Next timed Airdrop in 31 minutes
14:46 [info] [FancyDrop] Timed Airdrop skipped, not enough Players
14:46 [info] [FancyDrop] Next timed Airdrop in 38 minutes



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Hele já tam vidím chyby akorát u nightlantern.... 


jj to jsme si taky vsimnul.


A si bude potreba ten config upravit, teda u vsech pluginu upravit config


Umis v Linuxu. Bezi to na linuxu Ubuntu, dam pristup a muzes to zkouset.

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Tady máš kdyžtak ručně opravené stackovací hodnoty do original configu...



"12 Gauge Buckshot": 300,
"12 Gauge Slug": 300,
"4x Zoom Scope": 1,
"5.56 Rifle Ammo": 1000,
"Acoustic Guitar": 1,
"Animal Fat": 10000,
"Anti-Radiation Pills": 100,
"Apple": 100,
"Bandage": 30,
"Bandana Mask": 1,
"Barbed Wooden Barricade": 1,
"Baseball Cap": 1,
"Battery - Small": 1,
"Beancan Grenade": 50,
"Bear Meat": 200,
"Bear Meat Cooked": 200,
"Bed": 1,
"Beenie Hat": 1,
"Binoculars": 1,
"Black Raspberries": 10,
"Bleach": 20,
"Blood": 1000,
"Blueberries": 200,
"Blueprint": 1000,
"Bone Fragments": 1000,
"Boonie Hat": 1,
"Boots": 1,
"Bota Bag": 1,
"Building Plan": 1,
"Burlap Headwrap": 1,
"Burlap Shirt": 1,
"Burlap Shoes": 1,
"Burlap Trousers": 1,
"Burned Chicken": 200,
"Burned Deer Meat": 200,
"Burned Human Meat": 200,
"Burned Pork": 200,
"Burned Wolf Meat": 200,
"Burnt Bear Meat": 200,
"Cactus Flesh": 100,
"Camera": 10,
"Camp Fire": 1,
"Can of Beans": 100,
"Can of Tuna": 100,
"Candle Hat": 1,
"Candy Cane": 1,
"CCTV Camera": 10,
"Chair": 1,
"Charcoal": 100000,
"Chocolate Bar": 1000,
"Cloth": 10000,
"Coal :(": 1,
"Code Lock": 1,
"Concrete Barricade": 10,
"Cooked Chicken.": 200,
"Cooked Deer Meat": 200,
"Cooked Fish": 200,
"Cooked Human Meat": 200,
"Cooked Pork": 200,
"Cooked Wolf Meat": 200,
"Corn Clone": 1,
"Corn Seed": 50,
"Crude Oil": 50000,
"Door Closer": 1,
"Door Key": 1,
"Double Sign Post": 1,
"Duct Tape": 20,
"Empty Can Of Beans": 100,
"Empty Propane Tank": 50,
"Empty Tuna Can": 100,
"Explosive 5.56 Rifle Ammo": 1000,
"Explosives": 1000,
"F1 Grenade": 50,
"Flare": 10,
"Fridge": 1,
"Furnace": 1,
"Gears": 200,
"Glue": 10,
"Granola Bar": 100,
"Gun Powder": 100000,
"Hammer": 1,
"Handmade Shell": 300,
"Hazmat Suit": 1,
"Hemp Clone": 1,
"Hemp Seed": 50,
"Hide Boots": 1,
"Hide Halterneck": 1,
"Hide Pants": 1,
"Hide Skirt": 1,
"Hide Vest": 1,
"High External Stone Gate": 5,
"High External Stone Wall": 50,
"High External Wooden Gate": 5,
"High External Wooden Wall": 50,
"High Quality Metal": 5000,
"High Quality Metal Ore": 100000,
"High Velocity Arrow": 100,
"High Velocity Rocket": 20,
"Holosight": 1,
"Hoodie": 1,
"Huge Wooden Sign": 1,
"Human Skull": 1,
"HV 5.56 Rifle Ammo": 1000,
"HV Pistol Ammo": 1000,
"Improvised Balaclava": 1,
"Incendiary 5.56 Rifle Ammo": 1000,
"Incendiary Pistol Bullet": 1000,
"Incendiary Rocket": 20,
"Jack O Lantern Angry": 1,
"Jack O Lantern Happy": 1,
"Jacket": 1,
"Land Mine": 20,
"Landscape Picture Frame": 1,
"Large Banner Hanging": 1,
"Large Banner on pole": 1,
"Large Furnace": 1,
"Large Medkit": 10,
"Large Planter Box": 1,
"Large Present": 1,
"Large Water Catcher": 1,
"Large Wood Box": 1,
"Large Wooden Sign": 1,
"Leather": 10000,
"Leather Gloves": 1,
"Lock": 1,
"Locker": 1,
"Longsleeve T-Shirt": 1,
"Low Grade Fuel": 5000,
"Mail Box": 1,
"Medical Syringe": 20,
"Medium Present": 5,
"Metal Barricade": 1,
"Metal Blade": 20,
"Metal Fragments": 100000,
"Metal Ore": 100000,
"Metal Pipe": 200,
"Metal Spring": 200,
"Miners Hat": 1,
"Mining Quarry": 1,
"Minnows": 100,
"Mushroom": 100,
"Note": 1,
"One Sided Town Sign Post": 1,
"Pants": 1,
"Paper": 1000,
"Paper Map": 1,
"Pistol Bullet": 1000,
"Pookie Bear": 1,
"Portrait Picture Frame": 1,
"Pump Jack": 1,
"Pumpkin Plant Clone": 1,
"Pumpkin Seed": 50,
"Raw Chicken Breast": 200,
"Raw Deer Meat": 200,
"Raw Fish": 200,
"Raw Human Meat": 20,
"Raw Pork": 200,
"Raw Wolf Meat": 200,
"Repair Bench": 1,
"Research Paper": 1000,
"Research Table": 1,
"Rifle Body": 100,
"Road Signs": 200,
"Rocket": 20,
"Rope": 5000,
"Rotten Apple": 1,
"Rug": 1,
"Rug Bear Skin": 1,
"Salt Water": 2147483647,
"Salvaged Shelves": 10,
"Sandbag Barricade": 10,
"Santa Hat": 1,
"Satchel Charge": 10,
"Scrap": 10000,
"Search Light": 1,
"Semi Automatic Body": 100,
"Sewing Kit": 200,
"Sheet Metal": 200,
"Shirt": 1,
"Shorts": 1,
"Simple Handmade Sight": 1,
"Single Sign Post": 1,
"Sleeping Bag": 1,
"Small Oil Refinery": 1,
"Small Planter Box": 1,
"Small Present": 10,
"Small Stash": 1,
"Small Stocking": 5,
"Small Trout": 10,
"Small Water Bottle": 1,
"Small Water Catcher": 1,
"Small Wooden Sign": 1,
"SMG Body": 100,
"Smoke Rocket WIP!!!!": 20,
"Snow Jacket - Red": 1,
"Spinning wheel": 1,
"Spoiled Chicken": 20,
"Spoiled Human Meat": 20,
"Spoiled Wolf Meat": 20,
"Sticks": 100,
"Stone Barricade": 10,
"Stones": 100000,
"Sulfur": 50000,
"Sulfur Ore": 100000,
"SUPER Stocking": 1,
"Supply Signal": 1,
"Survey Charge": 10,
"Survival Fish Trap": 1,
"Table": 1,
"Tall Picture Frame": 1,
"Tank Top": 1,
"Targeting Computer": 10,
"Tarp": 200,
"Tech Trash": 500,
"Timed Explosive Charge": 100,
"Tool Cupboard": 1,
"T-Shirt": 1,
"Two Sided Hanging Sign": 1,
"Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign": 1,
"Two Sided Town Sign Post": 1,
"Water": 2147483647,
"Water Barrel": 1,
"Water Jug": 1,
"Water Purifier": 1,
"Weapon Flashlight": 1,
"Weapon Lasersight": 1,
"Wind Turbine": 1,
"Wolf Headdress": 1,
"Wolf Skull": 1,
"Wood": 100000,
"Wood Storage Box": 1,
"Wooden Arrow": 100,
"Wooden Barricade": 1,
"Wooden Floor Spikes": 1,
"Wooden Ladder": 1,
"Wooden Sign": 1,
"XL Picture Frame": 1,
"XXL Picture Frame": 1



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