Aaron Goldstein Posted September 4, 2015 Posted September 4, 2015 Prosím, prosím, smutně koukám.... Protože se stále nenašel dobrovolník, co by byl ochoten překládat články z anglických zdrojů, tak jsem se rozhodl založit toto vlákno... Vždy, když narazím na nějaký potenciálně důležitý text v angličtině, tak vás prostřednictvím tohoto vlákna poprosím o překlad... Ten potom postnu tam, kam patří (samozřejmě s uvedením autora překladu a poděkováním - i když je mi jasné, že za to si nic nekoupíte )... Za vaši snahu, pomoc a čas předem děkuji... Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted September 4, 2015 Author Posted September 4, 2015 Prosba: Supertest Physics 2.0 Hello warriors,the new motion physics system was updated on supertest. - MT's and LT's are now faster as the tanks don't lose speed on various small objects- MT's and LT's are now more "bouncy" - they jump better and easier but to jump is to risk tipping over on the roof- tanks generally lose less speed when turning- tanks can now make a "police turn" by pressing W + (steer button) + Space- tanks can now regulate the diameter of their turn by tapping W while turning- if the enemy tank shows LFP or lower side armor while going over a terrain obstacle - ram it by a heavier vehicle, it will tip over- tanks with very soft suspension (rocking a lot when going and stopping) can now fire beyond their depression/elevation limit by firing the gun while rocking up and downChanges in comparison with previous iteration- the aim circle is now jumping a lot, in order to disable that you have to enable dynamic camera- TD's and artillery cannot make "police turns" now- fixed the bug where it was too easy to drive one tank on top of another just so- ramming damage was rebalanced, now it is much closer to final version- gravity force increased, making the tanks feel "heavier"- tanks running downhill can now go faster than their maximum speed (up to 30 percent)- removed the feature where a tank on a slope would slide down by itself Quote
Sorrines Posted September 4, 2015 Posted September 4, 2015 Reguest: Supertest Fyziky 2.0 Ahoj válečníci, Nový fyzikální systém pohybu byl aktualizována/implementovan na supertestu. - Stredni tanky a lehke tanky jsou nyní rychlejší, protože tanky nyni neztrácejí rychlost na různych drobnych předmetech/prekazkach. - Stredni tanky a lehke tanky jsou nyní více "živejsi" - lepe a lehceji skacou, ale pri skoku se muzou lehce skoncit na strese. - Tanky obecně ztrácejí méně rychlosti při zatáčení. - Tanky nyni mohou dělat "policejní obrat" stiskem tlačítka W + (tlačítko zataceni) + Mezerník - Tanky nyní mohou regulovat průměr jejich toceni klepnutím W, zatímco se otaceji. - V případě, že nepratelsky tank vykazuje LFP nebo spodni stranu zatímco jede přes terénní překážku - ramnete ho těžším vozidlem a prevratite ho. - Tanky s velmi jemnym odpruzenim (hodne se houpou pri zastaveni), nyní mohou střílet mimo jejich deprese/výškového limitu houpanim nahoru a dolu. Změny ve srovnání s předchozímy interakcemi - Cílem zamerovaciho kruhu je nyní hodne skakat. Chcete-li to zakazat, musíte povolit dynamické kamery. - TD je a dělostřelectvo tedka nemaji povoleny "policejní obrat" - Poškození pri rammovani bylo rebalancovany, nyni se vice blizi finalni verzi. - Gravitační síla se zvýšila, takže uciti ze jsou tanky tezzsi. - Tanky jedouci z kopce muzou jet rychleji než jejich maximální rychlosti (až 30 procent) - Odstranily funkci, kde tanky na svahu klouzali sami dolu ps tu mas jeden volnypreklad :) pps: stimhle si fak nevim rady: - fixed the bug where it was too easy to drive one tank on top of another just so Aaron Goldstein, Kozlus and George352 3 Quote
Kozlus Posted September 4, 2015 Posted September 4, 2015 Asi byl nejakej bug, kdy se povedlo dostat dva tanky na sebe, tak ten horni se asi moc hejbal, nebo byl moc riditelnej. Aaron Goldstein 1 Quote
Sorrines Posted September 4, 2015 Posted September 4, 2015 Asi byl nejakej bug, kdy se povedlo dostat dva tanky na sebe, tak ten horni se asi moc hejbal, nebo byl moc riditelnej. vidis to dava smysl ja porad premyslel o tanku na topu :D :D :D Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted September 8, 2015 Author Posted September 8, 2015 Prosba: Here's a small comparison of the gold prices in EU between Armored Warfare and World of Tanks. Armored Warfare allowed the players to buy gold for the first time on Monday. Like in World of Warships, any gold purchases in Early Access (= closed beta) will be resetted (returned to players) when the open beta starts. The prices of gold bundles are the following:1100 € 4.991650 € 6.992750 € 11.295500 € 21.9916500 € 62.4927500 € 99.99In World of Tanks, 1 month of premium costs 2500 gold which is exactly 10 Euro. In Armored Warfare, it costs 2300 gold - when using the middle (2750 gold) bundle for calculation of gold-per-Euro basis, the price of monthly premium comes out slightly lower (9.44 EUR or around that). But the biggest difference is the highest tier premium tank (tier 6) that earns more than 50 percent extra credits (on tier 6 it is 80 percent, putting it on par with WoT's tier 8), which costs about 16 Euro while the WoT's go for 40-50 Euro (AW devs did confirm that there might be tier 8 premiums as well with even bigger income but so far there aren't any planned).According to AW sources, these prices however are preliminary and might go further down a bit. If you are interested in more detailed breakdown, Armored Talk blog offers a nice analysis of what costs what. Quote
D3XT3R Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 Zde je malé srovnání cen zlaťáků v EU mezi Armored Warfare a WOT . V Armored Warfare je poprvé dovoleno hráčům nakoupit zlaťáky v pondělí . Stejně jako ve Wows, věškeré zlaťáky zakoupené v uzavřené betě budou resetovány (vráceno hráči) až bude spuštěna otevřená beta.Ceny balíčků zlaťáků budou následující : 1100 € 4.991650 € 6.992750 € 11.295500 € 21.9916500 € 62.4927500 € 99.99 Ve WOT stojí 1 měsíc premium účtu 2500goldů - to je 10 eur . V Armored Warface stojí 2300goldů - při použití středního balíčku (2750zlaťáků)- při přepočtu kurzu gold na euro to vyjde o něco levněji (9,44 eur nebo něco kolem toho).Ale největším rozdílem je největší premiový tank 6. úrovně co vydělává více něž 50% extra kreditů (na tieru 6. je to 80%, to je stejné jako ve WOT 8. tier),který stojí asi 16 euro, zatímco ve WOT je to 40-50euro (AW vývojáři potvrdili, že by mohl být i 8. tier , ale zatím není k dispozici žádný plánovaný).Podle zdrojů AW jsou tyto ceny předběžné a mohou jít ještě trochu dolů .Máte-li zájem o podrobnější rozpis ??Armored talk blog?? nabízí pěknou analýzu co kolik stojí . Snad přibližně ;) Miruno, Aaron Goldstein, kvetule and 1 other 4 Quote
D3XT3R Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 Děkuji... jsem se stejně v práci nudil ;) Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted September 12, 2015 Author Posted September 12, 2015 Prosba: Artillery Rebalance DetailsRussian players met with Storm in the Stalin Line museum (Belarus) to celebrate the Russian Tanker Day. There, Storm announced some of the things that will be tested for the artillery rebalance. Unsurprisingly, many are copied from Armored Warfare. These rebalance features include:- Turning artillery into a debuff class by seriously decreasing its damage, but giving it the ability to suppress crew (reduce the crew effectiveness) while increasing its accuracy. This suppression will be rewarded by XP.- Illumination shells for artillery (spotting in certain area)- Changing the point of view to the one the "arty mod" (Battle Assistant) and Armored Warfare use- Artillery warning (for players who are being fired on by arty)This is not definitive but will be tested. Quote
DtX Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 Detaily o změnách (rebalance) artilérie: Ruští hráči se potkali se Stormem v muzeu Stalinovy linie ("Stalin Line museum") v Bělorusku aby oslavili den ruských tankistů. Storm zde oznámil některé změny artilérie, které budou testovány. Nepřekvapivě, mnoho z nich je zkopírováno z Modern Warfare. Jedná se o: -Předělání arty na "debuff" (teď nevím jak to říct česky, možná bych tam nechal "podpůrnou"...) třídu snížením dmg, ale přidáním schopnosti potlačit posádku nepřátelských vozidel (snížit efektivitu posádky) a zároveň zvýšení přesnosti. Potlačení posádek bude odměněno pomocí exp. -Osvětlovací munice (=světlice?) pro artilérii (spotování v dané oblasti) -Změna pohledu artilérie na ten, který známe z Battle Assistant módu a Armored Warfare -Varování o artilérii (pro hráče na které arty střílí) Nic z toho není konečné, ale bude brzy testováno. Aaron Goldstein 1 Quote
Zvedak (9-TD2) Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 Detaily rebalancování artin: Ruští hráči se setkali se Stormem v muzeu Stalinovy linie k oslavení dne ruských tankistů. Storm něco řekl o testování rebalancu artin. Není překvapením, že spousta věcí je okouknutá z Armored Warfare. Rebalanc obsahuje: - udělání artin podřadnými vážným snížením dmg, ale dá jim možnost potlačení schopností posádky (snižuje její efektivitu), ale zvýší se přesnost. toto potlačení schopností bude odměměno zkušenostmi. - zobrazení střel artilerie (spotnutí v určité oblasti) ... wtf? - změna pohledu artilerie (battle assistant / AW) - varování hráčům, po kterých vypálila artilerie/na které míří artilerie? Není to definitivní, bude se to testovat. Aaron Goldstein 1 Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted September 24, 2015 Author Posted September 24, 2015 Prosba: Supertest 10.0 (ex-9.11) Patchnotes Změny v supertestu 10.0 (ex-9.11): Main Changes Hlavní změny:- introduced the finalized version of the deathmatch mode (free for all)- newbies will from now on fight bots in their first few battles- render range changed from 1000 x 1000 meter square to 564 meter radius circle - představena finální verze deathmatch módu (free for all) - nováčci nyní bojují své první bitvy proti botům - render změněn ze čtverce 1000x1000m na kruh o poloměru 564m Tank Changes Změny tanků:- Supertesters get following tanks for testing: Panzer 58, AMX M4 Mle 49, Chieftain Mk.6, Chieftain/T95 Hybrid, KV-4 KTTS, T-44-100, VK4503, Turán III Prototipus, Toldi III- Škoda T 40 added to the premium shop- 28 vehicles remodelled to HD: KV-220 (renamed to KV-220-2), KV-1, 212A, IS-8 (renamed to Т-10), Marder 38T, Sturmpanzer I Bison, G.Pz.Mk.VI (e), Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A., Wespe, VK 20.01 (D), Pz.Kpfw. II, Grille, Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J, Tiger II, Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f), 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther II, T2 Medium Tank, M2 Мedium tank, M3 Stuart, M7, T34, AMX 12t, AMX AC mle. 46., Vickers Medium Mk.III, Matilda, Loyd Gun Carriage, Covenanter.- US T82 tier 3 TD changed to tier 4 arty, tier 3 TD is T56- US T18 tier 2 TD changed to tier 3 arty, tier 2 TD is T3 HMC- tier 2 arty T57 switched to T1 HMC- FV4202 switched to Centurion Action X, FV4202 rebalanced to become tier 8 premium (no Chieftain switch)- changed color and scale of summer and desert clan camouflages - Supertesteři dostali k testování: Panzer 58, AMX M4 Mle 49, Chieftain Mk.6, Chieftain/T95 Hybrid, KV-4 KTTS, T-44-100, VK4503, Turán III Prototipus, Toldi III - Škoda T 40 přidána do prémiového obchodu - 28 tanků převedeno do HD: KV-220 (přejmenováno na KV-220-2), KV-1, 212A, IS-8 (přejmenováno na Т-10), Marder 38T, Sturmpanzer I Bison, G.Pz.Mk.VI (e), Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A., Wespe, VK 20.01 (D), Pz.Kpfw. II, Grille, Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J, Tiger II, Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f), 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther II, T2 Medium Tank, M2 Мedium tank, M3 Stuart, M7, T34, AMX 12t, AMX AC mle. 46., Vickers Medium Mk.III, Matilda, Loyd Gun Carriage, Covenanter. - US T82 tier 3 TD změněn na tier 4 arty, tier 3 TD je T56 - US T18 tier 2 TD změněn na tier 3 arty, tier 2 TD je T3 HMC - tier 2 arty T57 změněno na T1 HMC - FV4202 nahradil Centurion Action X, FV4202 změěn, aby mohl být tier 8 premium (žádná záměna za Chieftaina)- změněna barva a měřítko letních a pouštních klanových kamufláží Rebalances Rebalancy:- Covenanter: Meadows DAV engine fire chance reduced from 40 to 20 percent- FV4005 and FV4004 UFP angle reduced to 57 degrees- Maus: some mantlet parts buffed- T23E3: penetration of AP/APCR shells buffed from 127/177 to 149/190mm- 88mm Jagdtiger speed buffed from 28 to 38 km/h- 105mm German TD guns had muzzle velocity increased- E-50M both 105mm gun shells now fly with the same velocity (the one of the top gun)- KV-220: engine horsepower buffed from 650 to 850hp, UFP buffed from 100mm to 120mm- T-54 Prototype (premium): D-10TK accuracy buffed from 0,38 to 0,36, reload buffed from 8,1s to 8s, aimtime buffed from 2,6s to 2,4s - Covenanter: Šance vzplanutí u motoru DAV snížena ze 40 na 20 procent - FV 4005 a FV4004 mají změněný úhel předního plátu na 57 stupňů - Maus: buffnutý mantlet - T23E3: Penetrace AP/APCR zvednuta ze 127/177 na 149/190 (hurááá) - 88 JgTiger: Maximálka ze 28 na 38km/h -105mm německá děla mají vyšší kapacitu nábojů - E-50M: střely obou 105mm děl létají stejně rychle (jako top dělo) -KV-220: motor má více HP - 650->850, přední horní plát 100->120mm -T-54 Prototype (premium): D-10TK přesnost zvýšena z 0,38 na 0,36, reload snížen z 8,1 na 8s, míření zrychleno z 2,6 na 2,4sMaps Mapy:- removed South Coast from random battles- Province and Hidden Village completely removed from the client- Berlin and Paris maps added to the free for all deathmatch mode- many maps now have additional special effects- some environmental objects had their visual and collision models fixed - Jižní pobřeží odstraněno z náhodných bitev - Kampánie a Skrytá vesnice úplně odstraněny - Berlin a Paříž přidány do módu free for all - mnoho map dostalo nové speciální efekty - opravy některých objektů (vzhled a colizní modely)Engine Herní engine:- engine was heavily updated, allowing for new features in the future- optimized client performance for some setups- fixed some crashes and freezes of the game client- map loading time in general decreased- fixed some issues of the new shadow system - herní engine updatován, dovoluje nové možnosti do budoucna - optimalizován klient pro některé sestavy - opraveno některé zamrzání a padání klienta (jako vždy..) - nahrávání map je rychlejší - opraveny některé chyby ve stínechMisc Další:- announcing sounds added to the dynamic platoon mechanism- camouflage UI changed- decals and flags now give bonus to crew skill- fixed some small UI issues - přidány oznamovací zvuky do mechanismu dynamických čet - změny kamufláží - popisky a vlajky přidávají bonusy posádce (aneb utrácejte více zlata za to, co nikdo doteď nepotřeboval) - opraveny drobné věci v uživatelským rozhraní Done. Zvedak Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted September 28, 2015 Author Posted September 28, 2015 Prosba:Vcelku rozsáhlé změny 10.0 Armor Changes "TheMostComfortableTanker" from wotlabs made a nearly complete list of the armor changes for the 9.10 patch, RNG blessings to him.U.S.S.R KV-220 - Turret ring is 100mm thick now (120mm at the front) with 40mm of spaced armor around it. - UFP is 120mm thick now and MG and driver window weakspots are gone. - Track armor is no longer a solid blob and sticks true to where the wheels and tracks are. - Random 30mm spot on the roof for the driver's hatch went bye-bye. - LFP buffed from 25° to 30°, UFP nerfed from 32° to 30°. - Mantlet and gun don't quite cover as much as they did prior. KV-1- Beak between the autobounce plate and the LFP is now 110mm on the LFP and 65mm on the autobounce plate. Was 115mm on both before. - Driver and MG weakspots removed, but the 60mm part on the rear hull is now 50mm.- UFP nerfed from 31° to 30°, LFP buffed from 21° to 30°. - 30mm zone for engine deck now covers more, ended about when it's under the very rear of the turret.- Mantlet shape is more flat for the 85mm and there is less overlap between the mantlet and turret armor. - MG weakspot on the rear of the turret is removed on both turrets. - Turret front slope buffed from 11° to 19°. - Most periscopes removed from the hitbox on both turrets. - The stock turret front slope is buffed from 16°-11° to 19°.212A - Track hitbox is more detailed, meaning it covers less area. Handy for HESH and big HE.IS-8/T-10 - Stock turret frontally is overall a little tougher, most notably that the cupolas are smaller. - Stock turret rear is thinner overall, though mostly 90mm nominal instead of 129mm-50mm. HOWEVER, the mantlet is 201mm thick at its best going down to 60mm where there is overlap instead of being a solid 250mm. - Overmatch roof now is more like the IS-3, reaching down to the mantlet instead of being mostly around the hatches. That spot is 30mm now instead of 40mm, so most mediums can autopen that spot too.- Flat parts of the side hull above the spaced armor and the flat part right behind where it starts is now 120mm thick instead of 80mm. - Frontal pike may be a little more angled, but the LFP remains untouched. - Notches in armor for the driver viewports are gone, but there's a small "flat" part where the two slopes join on the pike. - Turret ring is much smaller and is 250-200mm instead of 148mm. - Sloped side armor is now at 64° instead of 67°. - Track hitbox is no longer a solid blob.- The top turret mantlet overall is thinner, but it's still going to stop pretty much anything. The armor behind it is 250mm instead of 201mm, not that it will really change anything either. - The loaders hatch is no longer sloped at all. - The turret itself is stronger, most notably that the flat parts on the front are either 270-220mm, instead of just being 201mm. The 148mm zone on the turret side is now 201mm. The 40mm part on the roof is more rounded now, leading to it taking up an overall smaller area. - The bump for the gunner's sight on the roof is flattened out.GermanyMarder 38(t)- Untouched other than the fact that the 10mm circle on the rear hull is 15mm thick now like the rest of it.Sturmpanzer I Bison-A few small parts of the hitbox got removed, but nothing that will really change anything at all.G.Pz. Mk. VI (e)- Rear hull flattened out on the lower half and now has a lot more of it only covered by 6mm.Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.- View ports are now as thick as the surronding armor, not thinner. - Small 70mm thick parts on UFP removed. - Autobounce plate is now 15-10mm instead of 35-25mm. The 15mm are where the spare tracks are. - Hull roof is 10mm thick now for the most part instead of 8mm. The opposite happened for the stock turret.- Stock turret cupola is now 30mm instead of 30-22mm. - Front part of the "turret ring" is now 25mm instead of 30mm. - Mantlet is now 50mm thick instead of 25mm and the armor above and below it is 50mm instead of 30mm. - Spaced armor to the sides of the mantlet are now 10mm instead of 22mm.- Top turret is no longer a clusterf**k of different armor thicknesses. - The armor from the viewports on the side no longer stick out on the hitbox. - The side armor was nerfed from 25mm to 20mm though the rear was increased from 10mm to 20mm. - The turret face is now 30mm instead of 50mm. - Mantlet is 30mm instead of 25mm.Wespe- 35mm zone from spare tracks on the LFP. VK 20.01 (D)- Spaced armor on hull roof in front of turret is removed.- Indents are added to the side hull for the suspension. I can't get a good picture of them since there's too much in the way for me to do it. It's fairly minor though, and the times it does do anything will be fairly rare I think. Pz.Kpfw. II- UFP is a solid 30mm instead of 30-55mm.- Autobounce plate loses the random 15mm hatch on it.- View ports are just as thick as the surrounding armor, not thinner.- Armor hole behind the mantlet on the top turret now aligns better with where it should be, plus it's a little thinner.- Two random 15mm thick triangles on the stock turret roof made as thin as the rest of the roof.Tiger II- UFP is now at 51° instead of 50°.- LFP is 50° instead of 48°.- The very top part of the LFP is now 150mm too.- Side hull is now sloped at 25° instead of 26°-27°.- Rear hull is sloped at 30° instead of 26°.- Extra sloped parts on the UFP for the periscopes to look over are now slightly smaller.- Stock turret cupola is now 100mm at best with the sloped part being 60mm instead of it being a 150mm hunk. - The bump on the turret side for the cupola on the stock turret is now 90mm instead of 80mm. - Front of stock turret ring is 100mm now instead of 80mm.- Random 140mm part on the top turret's side near the turret ring is gone, though a lot of areas on the side are now 100mm thick from spare tracks. - The armor behind the mantlet now looks like a ball, with an overall smaller area being a 0 armor hole. Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)- Sideskirts and turret are now rounded more.- Armor behind the mantlets is now flat, but the hole in the armor for the MG is gone and the cannon hole is smaller.- The 46mm weakspot on the MG mantlet is weaker now.- Front plate is now a little more sloped between the flat area near the suspension and the autobounce area by the driver window.- The bumps by the hull view ports are no longer bumps, but 50mm thick now.- Tracks add an extra 5mm where they are.- Driver window and the one by it are both 22° now instead of one being 19° and the other at 29°. - Rear hull is now sloped 5° less than before on both the upper and lower halves. Jagdtiger 8,8 cm - Hull MG weakspot disappeared. - LFP is now 50° instead of 45°, plus the very top part of the LFP is 150mm thick. - Extra sloped parts on the UFP for the driver and radioman periscopes are less wide, though the driver one now gives you a tiny sport sloped at 75°. - Hull floor near the front is 40mm now instead of a solid 25mm.- Superstructure rear is 10° instead of 5°. - Spare tracks cover a few areas on both sides of the superstructure, though dunno how thick they're supposed to be since they're 270mm thick now. - Bump on the superstructure front is now pretty much all 150mm thick instead of half being 80mm. - Superstructure front is now at 15° instead of 11°. - Mantlet is 250mm-210mm thick instead of 240-150mm, meaning you still won't be penned there. - Superstructure roof is 45mm instead of 40mm now. Jagdpanther II - LFP is 35° now instead of 50°, but gets a little 100mm spot the same way the KT and JT88 did. - MG weakspot on UFP is gone and the sideskirts went from 16mm to 5mm. - 35mm door on the rear hull is removed. - Side hull is at 30° instead of 32°-27°. - Hull floor near the front is 25mm instead of 30mm.- Hole behind the mantlet doesn't go as far up, but it does go further down. - The dip in the superstructure for the mantlet is now a mere 30mm that can be seen head-on. - 180mm part for the gun mount on the superstructure is now 150mm, though is better sloped here than is was before, meaning it is either the same or better. - Superstructure front is sloped one degree less, but some of the 150mm part leaks over to the side now. - The 120mm thick mount for the mantlet is a better shape. I cannot quite decide if the mantlet is better or worse now. The thicker parts don't cover as much, but it also looks like it may have a little better coverage. Either way, it doesn't change much. United StatesT2 Medium Tank - View ports on top turret are no longer 10mm thinner than the rest of the turret.M2 Medium Tank - Only the front vision slit for the driver counts as optics instead of all three. All vision slits but one on the stock turret no longer count as optics. - Cannon breach on the top turret is much smaller. - Minor changes to angling on the top turret. - Very lower front plate is now at 2° instead of 36°.M3 Stuart - Autobounce plate is 19.1mm instead of 16mm. - MG is no longer thicker than the autobounce plate. - Driver and radioman windows are now as thick as the UFP, not 3mm thinner. - Hull roof is 9.5mm instead of 13mm now. - 16mm sloped area on the rear of the engine deck is 25.4mm now. - Track coverage of the side hull is slightly improved. - All 25mm parts on the tank are now 25.4mm, meaning that they can now autobounce 76mm guns. - Bumps on LFP for the drive wheels are now 2mm thicker.- The sloped part on the stock turret roof is 13mm instead of 16mm now. - The front plate on the cupola is 38.1mm now instead of 25mm. - Pistol ports on the turret sides are no longer 5mm thinner than the rest. - Bump behind mantlet is now 19.1mm, though the 0 armor hole seems smaller.- I can't get the top turret armor model to load, but the mantlet no longer has a 51mm zone, just the 38mm and 25mm ones.M7 - Hull MG is now the same thickness as the front hull. - Front hull slope is worse, though the side is sloped a little better. - The upper half of the side slope is now 26.9mm instead of 32mm. - Rear hull is 31.7mm now instead of 25mm. - The space between the two hatches on the front hull is now 19mm thick instead of 32. Same for the hatches themselves. - Tracks are no longer a single blob. - Hull side armor behind the tracks is now 33.3mm thick instead of only 25mm.- Stock turret front has a slightly inferior slope, though most of it is now 63.5mm instead of 51mm. - The 32mm spaced armor by the mantlet with nothing behind it is now 63.5mm. - Pistol ports on the turret sides are now 31.7mm like the rest of the side, not thinner. - Sloped part for the MG sticking out of the roof is now 12.7mm, not 32-25mm. The 37mm is no longer stupidly long.- Top turret front has a better shape, plus it's 52.3mm there instead of 51mm. - The sides and mount for the mantlet are 41.2mm instead of 38mm. - The front half of the turret roof is now 19mm instead of 25mm. - Turret ring is 38.1mm instead of 32mm. - Mantlet is a lot smaller and has less area overlapping the turret face compared to what's covering the 0 armor hole. - The mantlet for the 6 pounder is still as big as it was prior though, maybe bigger. - All the bumps on the turret roof for hatches and optics have 41.2mm zones where they rise up. T34 - Tracks on UFP add 20mm extra. - Bump between the driver and radioman hatches now blend into the UFP, but this really only means the UFP covers some spots that were just hull roof. - UFP buffed from 52° to 54°. LFP from 47°-41° to 53°-49° with the bumps for the front wheel there going from 15°-75° to 36°-72°. - The lower half of the rear hull now is a 51mm plate at a 62° downwards slope instead of being two stepped 51mm plates. - The area where the driver wheel attaches to the hull is no longer part of the hull as it is now. - The entire side is now 76mm, instead of all of the side after the turret ring being 51mm. It can legitimately sidescrape and not be auto penned by 155mm + guns. - Turret front is now 203.2mm instead of 178mm, though it doesn't quite cover as much. The difference there is made up with a 139.7mm area. - The area behind the mantlet is still 178mm, though the innermost part of that area is 228.6mm. - The edges of the turret roof are no longer 102mm thick, but the area behind the periscope on the turret front is now 228.6mm. - The cupola is no longer a viable target for anything at all, though there is still a small 51mm bit poking out of the top. T18 - Spaced armor in front of superstructure removed. - A lot of the 75mm gun is changed from gun hitbox to spaced armor. - LFP changes the same as the M3 stuart, though the autobounce plate is 15.9mm. - Superstructure rear is 25.4mm now instead of 32mm. - Vision slit for the driver no longer creates a bump. - The 32mm area no longer goes farther down the side than the superstructure does. - Superstructure floor above the tracks is 6.4mm instead of 13mm. - Sloped part of superstructure front is 14° now instead of 10°. - Tracks don't cover as much of the side. - Engine deck is 9.5mm instead of 13mm. FranceAMX 12t - Front hull nerfed a lot. The 50mm zone is only the flat part with most of it being 15mm now. It's a lot like the AMX 13 57 is now. - The flat part of the turret front is 30mm instead of 40mm, with the rest of the turret front and sides being 20mm now. - The "bubble" on the bottom of the turret covering where it goes up and down remains 40mm. - Cupola is a solid 20mm instead of the top being 10mm and the bottom being 40mm. - Sloped parts on the top of the turret are 30mm. AMX AC mle. 46 - Tracks on superstructure side add 10mm over a good chunk of it. - Spaced armor for the range finder is a lot smaller, but it is also only 40mm thick instead of 80mm for where you can still deal damage. - Tumors seems to be shaped better. There is now more 120mm zone on the superstructure where the roof starts. - Tracks now are no longer a single blob, but the amount of side armor they cover hardly changes any. UK.Vickers Medium Mk. III - Cupolas on the stock turret and miniturrets are now as thin as the roof (4mm instead of 14mm).- Sideskirts cover more now, and a part of the hull is now just sideskirts like it's supposed to be. - Stowage bins on the hull by the turret are no longer part of the hitbox. - Cupola on the top turret is now 9mm instead of mostly 14mm.Matilda - Sloped parts of the sideskirts are now 70mm of hull armor, though I'm sure they meant for them to stay 13mm. - Hull front radically changed. Check the pic below. - Bump on hull roof in front of turret flattened some and no longer has the 70mm section. - 70mm step between the sloped hull roof and the rest is now 47mm. - A lot of the mantlet went from 75mm to 70mm. - Cupola now looks like a wedding cake instead of being a cylinder. - 55mm part of the rear hull buffed from 24° to 30°. 20mm part of the rear hull changed from 77° to 72°. - Around the bottom edge of the turret, there's a tiny 25mm zone you can hit now. - Turret face shape changed a little. - Stock turret cupola is pretty tall now too. Loyd Gun Carriage - A lot of the automotive parts removed from the hitbox. Won't really change too much.Covenanter - Gap behind the mantlet on the stock turret became a rectangle. - Spare tracks add an extra 5mm on the hull roof in front of the turret. - Rather minor mantlet shape change on the top turret. Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted October 16, 2015 Author Posted October 16, 2015 Prosba: Bonuses from Emblems/Inscriptionsin the next patch, 10.0 emblems and inscriptions will bring bonuses to the vehicles. All logos and lettering printed on the equipment before the 10.0 update will remain on it and will bring real benefits: increase the level of the main speciality of the crew.There will be two types of bonuses:Constant - a bonus to the proficiency of the crew main speciality, active throughout the fight;Time - a bonus to the level of ownership of the main speciality of the crew, only activates under certain conditions, there are 10 of them.Percentage of how they will affect the crew: 1% for permanent total bonuses; 2% * for temporary total bonuses; 2% for regular individual bonuses; 3% * for the temporary individual bonuses. Once activated they will appear on the exterior tab: Other features: Same bonuses from various inscriptions and emblems are stacked. Logo or inscription, which gives a bonus to a particular crew member, will work for all the crew members of the same speciality (two loaders in the tank IS-7, for example). If a crew member combines several disciplines (for example, a tank commander and the radio operator at the same time), the bonuses will add up to a single speciality. (*) (*) Commander/Radio Operator: If you add a Commander bonus of 2%, all crew bonus of 1% and Radio Operator bonus of 2% the total bonus percentage the Commander will receive is 3%. Quote
Aaron Goldstein Posted October 30, 2015 Author Posted October 30, 2015 Prosba: 10.0 Cancelled according to sources, 10.0 has been cancelled. Rubikon got cancelled along with the new inscription system and the gas cloud of the Rampage mode.This is actually good news, according to Storm, the 10.0 patch was being rushed upon us with its new bugs fixed or not as well, something that he was against.Wargaming took the wise decision to listen the community and pull back the 10.0 patch as this could have been a major flop.However, the FV4202 replacement and the new Rampage mode will be coming as a micropatch.Are you happy with this decision? I sure am... Quote
Il mio nome è Nessuno Posted October 30, 2015 Posted October 30, 2015 Patch 10.0 zrušen dle těchto zdrojů, patch 10.0 byl zrušen. Rubikon byl zrušen také, zrušen byl i nový systém nápisů a plynový mrak v módu Rampage. Podle Storma jsou to dobré zprávy, protože patch 10.0 byl uspěchaný s novými chybami, což bylo něco s čím nesouhlasil. Wargaming udělal moudré rozhodnutí a vyslyšel komunitu, když stáhnul (odvolal) patch 10.0, protože by to mohl být naprostý propadák. Nicméně, nahrazení FV4202 a nový Rampage mód přijdou jako micropatche. Jste spokojeni s tímto rozhodnutím? Já rozhodně... Aaron Goldstein 1 Quote
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