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jakup last won the day on Květen 24 2013

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Uvidis sam. Samozrejme na letani okolo Zeme (Kerbinu) staci rucni nastaveni. Stejne tak k Dune a Eve to jde jeste delat taky rucne. Ale ke vzdalenejsim planetam to uz skoro nejde. Treba k Eeloo se dostat uz je problem. Totiz okno pro efektivni transfer (delta V kolem 3000m/s) k eeloo se objevi zhruba jednou za 5 let. Pokud by to clovek delal rucne, tak jde najit transfer k eeloo, ale pokud to nebude ve spravny cas, tak bude delta V kolem 12000m/s jen pro transfer. Pak jeste clovek musi hodne brzdit, plus cesta zpet ti da, ze budes potrebovat zhruba 40000 delta V. No a postavit takovou raketu a dostat ji na orbit uz neni realny.
  2. Engineer zvysuje efektivitu tezby surovin na planete nebo mesici. Pokud pouzivas nejake mody, tak treba v KIS+KAS engineer muze pridelavat nebo spojovat ruzne casti lodi ve vesmiru. Jinak dokovani je strasna piplacka. Po nejakem case jsem zacal pouzivat mod "docking port aligment indicator" a kdyz jsem linej, tak pouziju MECHJEB. To je vyborny mod. Nejen umi dokovat, ale umi vypocitat manevry pro zrovnobezneni orbit nebo Hoffmanuv transfer pro setkani dvou lodi na orbite nebo setkani s planetou. Delat to zkusmo je strasne neefektivni a clovek spotrebuje moc paliva... Ja pouzivam jeste tyto mody: KSP Interstellar - prida stovky novych soucastek a novych motoru, reaktory.... SpaceY - prida palivove nadrze s prumerem 5m, 7.5m a 10m. Planetary space system: budovy a casti pro stavbu stanic na planete: Zde je treba moje tezebni zakladna na minmusu:
  3. Dalsi v poradi bylo pristani na Eve i s roverem. Po 5 dnech konecne uspech. Nakonec ke vsemu stacila pouze jedna raketa: Start : Na orbite u Eve: Prulet atmosferou: Pak nasledovalo pomerne komplikovane odhozeni casti obsahujici rover a vypusteni padaku: Rover se zatim pomalu snasel: Foceni u lodi : Vylet k oceanu: Uspesny navrat na orbitu a spojeni s transportni lodi a hura domu.
  4. Konecne se podarilo pristani na Dune: Foceni : Pripojeni k navratovemu modulu : Docerpani paliva a hura domu:
  5. Hrajete nekdo toto ? Mame vlastni klan BiA a radi vas uvitame v nasich radach.
  6. Kdezto TD Kdezto TDcka tu hru narame zrychluji....
  7. Data Sourcing[edit]Because WN8 was a per-tank rating, we needed data per tank, which as always is not available via the WG web API. We turned to Phalynx of vBAddict.net, who kindly handed over his database of 17k dossiers. The database was filtered for players with less than 1000 games played, and tanks that were played for less than 50 games. From this database we determined, using linear regression the stats to be expected on each tank for a median ability player. For each tank/player combination, we calculated playerWN8alpha and tankWN8alpha. WN8alpha was approximately WN7 in formulation, basically a means to measure per tank effectiveness. Afterwards, we filtered to the 50% of players who play that tank, who perform well ON THAT TANK, not overall. This incorporated a good mix of high win-rate and low win-rate players. We posit that using the top half of players in a given tank is a good way to compare tanks to each other, since they can squeeze out every last ounce of performance a tank has to offer. Otherwise, at the low end, you would be comparing tanks based on the performance of players who don´t know basic mechanics, or how to properly use a given tank. That being said, I use the top 50% of players to do the linear regression, because simply using the top player values would be biased and not generalizable to the entire population. To check that expected stats for each tank were balanced, we looked at the tankWN8/accountWN8 ratio. We checked that the players with top 10% tankWN8/accountWN8 corresponded to about 1.15 for all the tanks in the game. When a tank had a lower ratio, for example, we lowered the expected values used to regress with the top 50% of players, and then checked what the top 10% ratio was. This took several iterations of recalculating tankWN8 and playerWN8 until a balance was reached, and tankWN8/accountWN8 was about 1.15. The purpose of this was to try to, controlling for player skill, determine expected values which would normalize the dmg/frag/spot/def outputs across tanks. To find out how much dmg the same player would do in the ARL v39 and M18 Hellcat, given all other things being equal. A handful of tanks required a more in depth analysis of the distribution of the tankWN8/playerWN8 ratio, due to an abnormally low number of high level players playing the tank (A-20), or due to gross nerfs/buffs (like M41). We tried to come to a middle-ground for tanks that have been severely nerfed/buffed (like M48A1, AMX50B or T110E5) looking to get a wide representation of players that played the tank during different time periods, so that the value doesn’t simply represent the tank´s original or current most powerful state ( so that players who play it while better balanced do not get unfairly treated) or completely ignores it (so that players who played it while very powerful, and then never again, do not get unfair bonuses). Note: This manual process was the most scientifically weak portion of the WN8 creation. However, personal bias of the creators was not introduced during this section, and the team of individuals working on these adjustments comprised of dozens of contributors on WoTLabs combing the per-tank tables and collaboration between players from NA, EU, SEA and RU. When possible values from the “nearest possible match” were used for tanks with oddly distributed player histories, like the A-20, in which no one can be bothered to even try (the data shows this…). If you are upset over this manual process, please contribute to further refinement of the WN8 per-tank tables, by uploading your dossier at http://www.vbaddict.net/wot.php Also, the per-tank expected values table were compared with the table used for the PR rating by Noobmeter, and a table of top 1%/100 players of each tank for the RU server kindly provided by Seriych (similar to what was in the service record with XVM for 8.6 and older). Most expected damage values are pretty close with noobmeter´s (from tier 3-8 ), and if you multiply those damages by 1.5 (to see what a 2400 WN8 player would need to get on a tank), you get unicum values, which are quite close to Seriych´s values for top player numbers from RU. Also, using this approach resulted in numbers for low tier tanks that are obviously high for the new player, but that isn´t really an issue since average players only have 3% or less of their total games in tier 1. This conveniently also functions as a control against seal-clubbing your way into a high rating. It means you can still club tier 1 players, you just have to actually be good at it! No longer will averaging 1.7 kill/game (a good value in tier 10) at tier 1 make you appear good. This isn’t because the WN* team has any bias against folks who play low tiers, but simply that we wish to identify player skill irrespective of tier played (review the Why WN8? for reasoning). Reminder: What actually MATTERS from the table is the relationship of values between different tanks. We could divide all those values by 3, and it wouldn´t make a difference. It’s the relationships between the numbers that are important, not the actual values. Same goes for the 1.15 ratio used in balancing tanks, we could have used any number. We left them in “WoT dmg scale” for readability and ease of sourcing though! Data Validation[edit]A dataset of all players with more than 10000 games on several servers was kindly provided by Mr. Noobmeter (we needed games played on each tank), a 4GB database that can hardly be opened in Excel! Nevertheless, we filtered EU and NA only players from there, to end up with a 115000 player database, which is about as large Praetor77’s limp PC can handle. With this database, we determined expected stats, rSTATS and then rSTATSc. Using all the rSTATSc values, we used Eureqa (a very nice and intelligent program which uses iterative genetic algorithms to search for mathematical relationships between a set of input data) to determine the optimum mathematical formula which using the rSTATSc could “explain” (fit) the rWINc of the players in the database. By data analysis, we found that some players were clearly outliers on some rSTATSc (all of them except rDAMAGEc, actually), which lead us to implement a series of “caps” or maximum values to improve the usefulness of WN8. These same stats also seemed to be more correlated to rWINc individually only up to a certain value, after which the correlation decreased substantially. The caps implemented were: rFRAGcMAX = rDAMAGEc+0.2 rSPOTcMAX = rDAMAGEc+0.1 rDEFcMAX = rDAMAGEc+0.1 We re-entered the capped rSTATS into Eureqa which actually came up with a very similar solution as prior to the caps, but handled lots of outlying accounts. The final formula output was: rWINc = 0.09 + 0.613*rDAMAGEc + 0.131*rFRAGc*rDAMAGEc + 0.097*rFRAGc*rSPOTc+0.047* rFRAGc*rDEFc Then we multiplied every term in the formula by 1600, which leads to a similar central value for the players in the database as for WN7, which should make the server-wide WN8 average quite similar to WN7, in the 900-1000 range. ZDROJ : http://wiki.wnefficiency.net/pages/WN8
  8. Chtelo by to nejaky dukaz nebo tu budes za blazna.
  9. Uzasny fotky : vice zde : http://news.distractify.com/culture/32-surreal-places-that-actually-exist-on-earth-i-cant-believe-this-isnt-photoshopped/?v=1
  10. Ty stranky na wiki jsou primo od autora WN8, takze opravdu to tak je napocitane. To mas pravdu, ale to je dane prumerny vysledky pro dany stroj. Ty jsou zde : http://www.noobmeter.com/tankList. To znamena, ze pokud mate na danem stroji stejne vysledky jako jsou v tabulce, pak jste prumerny hrac a mate WN8 zhruba 1000-1200. Pokud jsou vase vysledky pro dany stroj 1.5-krat lepsi nez hodnoty v tabulce, vas rating bude nekde kolem 2000-2400 WN8. Podivejte se schvalne na M18 - avg dmg cca 1000 KV1S - avg dmg cca 1000 Churchill Gun Carrier - avg dmg cca 704.
  11. Ale ja se te ptam, o jakych penalizacich mluvis. To, ze ma s M18 nizky wn8 a s kv1 vysoky NENI odpoved na moji otazku. Precti si uz konecne jak se to pocita (http://wiki.wnefficiency.net/pages/WN8) a rekni mi pak, kde jsou ty penalizace.
  12. Muzes mi prosim vysvetlit o jakych penalizacich tady porad pisete. Kdyz jsem si totiz cetl, jak se wn8 pocita (http://wiki.wnefficiency.net/pages/WN8), tak jsem to nikde nenasel.
  13. Trochu spot zohlednuje, ale ne nasvicenou dmg. Ta proste nejde. Podivej se v te tabulce treba na prumerne staty t-50-2
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